From DCC Archive

  • Developing joined up RDM infrastructure for institutions

    Developing joined up RDM infrastructure for institutions

    This is a report on Session 4A at the 

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  • IASSIST, Research Journals and Data Linkages

    IASSIST, Research Journals and Data Linkages

    The future of data publication was a big topic at this year’s IASSIST (International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technology) conference. The conference (the 39th to date) entitled Data Innovation: Increasing Accessibil...

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  • Access to Citation Data

    Access to Citation Data

    Back in 2012, Jisc commissioned a study of the costs, benefits and risks associated with collecting and analysing citation data. That study is now nearing completion and will be published very soon. As a precursor to that, on 14 May 2013 I and a group ...

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  • A conversation with the funders

    A conversation with the funders

    The organisers of DCC’s special event, Funding Research Data Management, which took place on 25th April at Aston University, can surely claim that the essence of the debate (about what is acceptable, feasible and achievable in the use of research...

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  • RDM in the Performing Arts

    RDM in the Performing Arts

    Disciplinary variations notwithstanding, there is a widespread understanding among scientific researchers about what is meant by ‘research data’, and research funders and institutions have supported and enabled this via authoritative defini...

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  • Hands-on RDM with SIM4RDM

    Hands-on RDM with SIM4RDM

    On 12 April 2013 I attended a workshop organised in Berlin by the SIM4RDM more

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  • Making Data Count

    Making Data Count

    For some time now, the digital curation community has argued that datasets deserve to be considered first class research outputs. Now at last there is an appetite within the academic mainstream to make it happen, but there are still a lot of implicatio...

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  • The sweet smell of sustainability – JISC MRD projects make the business case

    The sweet smell of sustainability – JISC MRD projects make the business case

    The MRD Workshop at Aston University 25-6 March heard about the business case advanced by four projects; at Universities of Bristol, Nottingham and Oxford and, with a slightly different take on things, from the Archaeology Data more

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  • IGT: The key to NHS data?

    IGT: The key to NHS data?

    On Friday March 8th I attended a packed session of the NHS-HE forum convened to examine the NHS Information Governance Toolkit (IGT) and discuss its application to higher education (HE) more

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