#jiscmrd Archive

  • Turning roadmaps to action

    Turning roadmaps to action

    Many UK Higher Education Institutions are setting out their 'roadmap' of actions to support research data management, to meet a deadline set by funding body EPSRC. Prompted by a workshop organised by DCC and JISC with the RoaDMaP project at Lee...

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  • Navigating the potholes

    Navigating the potholes

    As part of our series of blog posts on developing RDM roadmaps, this week we're reflecting on what a roadmap looks like and where HEIs have most work to do. Read more

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  • Launch Workshop for DataFlow and ViDaaS

    Launch Workshop for DataFlow and ViDaaS

    Mark Thorley, data management co-ordinator for NERC set the tone for the day when he explained that “Data management is too important to leave to the data managers, it needs to be an important part of research“. The launch event, hald at the Saïd Business school, University of Oxford, on Friday 2nd March 2012 for [...]

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  • Developing a roadmap for RDM

    Developing a roadmap for RDM

    We trialled a new session at the Loughborough roadshow on developing data policy and services. This ended with an excerise on producing an RDM roadmap, as the EPSRC requirement to do this by May 2012 is uppermost on many people's minds. Read more

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